Please note that the latest minutes are not formally adopted until the next meeting
September minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of Paston Parish Council held in St Margaret`s Church, Paston on Thursday 1st September 2022 at 7.00 pm
Present: Nicholas Bardswell (Chairman), Maggie Brett, Ashlee Cotter, Jessel Manricks, Denise McKeough, Dee Holroyd (Clerk). PC Barrie Cresswell (MOD police)
1 Apologies for Absence: Boo Tumber, Ed Maxfield, Clive Stockton
2 Declarations of Interest NB item 8
3 NB introduced Barrie Cresswell an MOD liason officer based at the Bacton Gas Site. BC said he would help the PC in any way needed. He had served two years with the MOD and ten at Cromer as a beat manager. BC confirmed that if a local speed watch was carried out and the results sent in to the police, a number of speedings in a one hour slot would result in an officer attending with a mobile speed camera.
BC was told there were a number of young people who were arriving at the playground, usually on a weekend evening, making a noise and using the playground equipment, generally behaving in an antisocial manner. He agreed to meet a member of the PC to see what steps could be taken to prevent this.
BC left the meeting at 7.15pm
4 Councillors Ed Maxwell and Clive Stockton were not present.
5 Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th July: were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Proposed MB, seconded DM.
6 Matters Arising:
Community Speed Watch: DH to liaise with John Lawton of Knapton PC.
Village Gate: DH would ask EM for confirmation that there would be £2,000
Playground checks rota: DM confirmed that Action Play had seen the pictures of the split in the rubber at the top of the zip wire. They confirmed that this was not causing any problem and they would repair it.
MB had asked to be taken off the rota. DH would ask NNDC to include the two bins on the playground in their rubbish collection.
7 Parish Councillors` Reports:
NB reported that the Holiday Village were about to lodge a planning application to put another “lodge” in what is now are car park, whilst moving the car park to the enclosure outside, where they had applied for 6 lodges but withdrawn their application.
MB confirmed the Playground sign had not been replaced in Pond Road. DH to report to Highways. There is a pothole in Bears Road, just off the main road. DH to report.
MB was hoping for progress in clearing some trees and making a better parking surface on the verge in the close opposite the playground belonging to NNDC. NB talk again to NNDC, who had previously shown no interest, so they could not later object.
DM reported a dead tree with a branch overhanging Bears Road. PC would deal with this.
DM circulated a summary of the finances of Paston Flowers. £1,437 had been spent on compost, tops soil, seeds, bulbs, corms, water butt, compost bin, wood, bark and hanging baskets/liners. £1,872 had been raised, £950 grant from NNDC and £922 on plant sales. Net profit for the first year £434.
They now had 14 raised beds and a better understanding what sold well. DM and MB were hugely congratulated on this excellent achievement. DM said they had been given some very large flower pots and asked if it would be all right to place these round the village. The PC confirmed no problem as long as they were safely positioned.
PC asked for the sign on the footpath to Mundesley to be altered which said “public footpath” as the path was actually a permissive path over PC’s field. MB agreed to alter the sign.
8 Churchyard Maintenance:
NB had declared an interest.
NB had circulated a document showing churchyard accounts for 2021 and requested a grant towards its expenses, most of which were borne by PCC members and the churchyard being a village resource. MB was concerned that the donation should be spent on mowing to make it more attractive. NB said the mowing had been done by volunteers, to enable which some of the money had been spent on new equipment instead, and of course the grass went on growing. PC preferred it a little wild. A new bench had also been bought to go by the lych gate and memorial plaque area.
The large sums being spent on the church building were commented on. NB confirmed that money was mainly grants from national grant- making institutions specifically to preserve and enable more use of an important historic building, part of our national heritage. It was planned that fund raising events would be held in the church. MB and DM advised that though the church was not yet ready the PCC should start work on events as performers were usually booked a year ahead. NB hoped to form a committee to arrange and run such events and would be seeking volunteers.
The Council agreed to a further grant of £500 for churchyard maintenance and repairs, proposed PC, seconded JM.
9. Village Flagpole : PC confirmed he was happy with the flagpole on his land by the pond which he confirmed as long as the flag was a general flag. NB would order a flag showing the Griffon with “Paston” on the top left.
10 Finance: The clerk had circulated a cash sheet and bank reconciliation showing a current credit balance of £10,512. Expenditure since the May meeting had been:
Wayne Beauchamp (Website) £75
Clerk/office August £285.80
11 Any Other Busines:
12 Date of next Meeting: Thursday 10th November, a Knapton village hall.
The Meeting closed at 8.40 pm
Village meeting minutes May 2021
2020 minutes
2019 Minutes
2018 Minutes
2017 Minutes
2016 Minutes