Parish Councillors
Nicholas Bardswell, tel: 720458 Chairman
Stow Hill Farm,
Paston NR28 9TG
Jessel Manricks tel 726847
Sundial Cottage
Chapel Road
Paston NR28 9TD
Denise McKeough tel: 726800
3 Pond Cottages
Paston NR28 9TQ
Margaret Brett tel: 722405
1 Pond Cottages
Paston NR28 9TQ
Susan (Boo) Tumber tel: 07927 419363 Vice-chairman
Pebble Cottage
Vicarage Road
Paston NR28 9TB
Pip Clabon tel 01263 721791
Hall Farm,
Bacton Road,
Paston NR28 8TZ
Clerk to the Council:
Dee Holroyd
Verbena Cottage, The Street,
Knapton, NR280AD
e mail
Council Offices
Holt Road, Cromer NR27 9EN
01263 513811
Ashlee Cotter
District Councillor
Pauline Porter
01692 650626
County Councillor
Ed Maxfield tel 07449 706215o
9a Mundesley Road,
North Walsham NR28 0DA
Parish Council meetings are usually held on the first Thursday of January, March, May, September and November, but in July usually the second Thursday (due to all the summer sporting events like Wimbledon and some years the Royal Norfolk Show being in the first week in July )